Monday, November 24, 2008


Using visual arguments in persuasive writing can be an effective way to explain your position about a topic and generate the readers interest before he/she has committed to reading the piece. In order to present a stronger argument for my claim that health care should be a right to all and not a privilege to few, I have decided to use an image that presents a visual argument. The image depicts a patient who is obviously in need of medical care and a very able-bodied physician who can not give her the care she needs. The wall that separates the two figures represents the obstacles that stand in the way of implementing Universal Health Care as a right to all Americans regardless of income or preexisting illness. In order to make the image more emotionally stirring, I added the text “If you care, don’t just stand there”. This statement clarifies the meaning of the image and presents the reader with an ethical argument. Upon seeing the image with text the reader is forced to examine the content and ask him/herself: Is there something wrong with this picture? Shouldn’t something be done about this? What can I do to change this situation? I believe that this image meets the criteria of a strong ethical argument by challenging the reader to form an opinion about the claim. The image also forces the reader to look at the situation from a medical professional's perspective. The physician is as helpless as the hopeless patient in this situation. Because of the laws that exist regarding health care in this country she cannot help one who is so obviously in need.


Television commercials or homemade videos can be one of the most effective ways to introduce issues to those who may not be aware of them. In the information age people are getting their news from a variety of different sources. The YouTube interactive website has presented us with a platform that allows our homemade videos to be accessed around the world. Along with homemade videos, YouTube users also post old and new commercials, speeches, and music videos. This 30 second commercial made by the organization Health Care for America Now presents the argument that people cannot trust health insurance companies to "put your health before their profits". The ad uses the Magic Eight Ball, a vintage fortune telling toy to explain how insured people feel about their coverage. Everyday people ask the Magic Eightball serious questions such as: “Is my surgery covered?” “Will they pay for my chemo?” and “Can I choose my child’s doctor”? The toy answers: “Not likely” and “Doubtful”. The commercial meets the criteria of an effective video argument because it uses a well known fortune telling toy as an analogical argument to show how in the dark people feel about health insurance. By making the message simple and humorous, in a thought provoking way, the organization Health Care for America Now provides viewers with a strong argument in favor of Universal Health Care. The call to action at the end of the commercial states,” If you’re ready to demand quality health care now join us”.

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